Puerto Rico Tourism Company

Puerto Rico Tourism

Gaming Division

The Gaming Division of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company regulates all administrative processes regarding licensing, franchise concession, supervision, and management of gaming operations in Puerto Rico.

Click on the links below to download information on how to obtain a license for gaming operations, and the laws and regulations that apply to gaming operations in Puerto Rico.


Casino Employee License Application
Requirements Casino Employee License Application (in Spanish)
Casino and Gambling Act (in Spanish)
Casino and Gambling Regulation (in Spanish)
Act 77 from July 1, 2014 (in Spanish)

The Casino Employee License application must be completed and delivered along with the required documentation at the Gaming Division Offices, located on the fifth floor of the Ochoa Building in Old San Juan.
For additional information or inquiries please contact us at licensing@tourism.pr.gov

Note: Both casino employees and casino service industries employees must fill out this form.

To make comments to these drafts or request turns for a presentation please write to the following email:
